We are finally back to full operations after a series of unfortunate events happening in the last 2 years. Go visit us inside Kontiki Marina Resort, in Maribago, Lapulapu City, Cebu, Philippines or email us, we are very responsive to your inquiries.
Staying Relevant When Diving Is Not Allowed It has been three months since lockdown in various cities and municipalities in the Philippines has been imposed by the Government. Since scuba diving business is one of the activities that aren’t permitted to operate...
New Norm in Scuba Diving It has been weeks since most countries have implemented some kind of a quarantine and we are still not seeing the light at the end of the tunnel. Here in the Philippines, particularly in Cebu, is no different. We have neither seen our center...
What makes the new PADI IDC Curriculum better? PADI is living up to its commitment to continuously deliver cutting-edge diver education. This includes the reevaluation, revision and enhancement of an already comprehensive industry respected Instructor Development...
5 things divers can do while observing travel restrictions due to Corona Virus It is only recently that we learned about the Philippines banning entry of travelers originating from Taiwan. Prior to Taiwan ban, the country restricted entry of travelers originating from...
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